Calvin Harris - Slow Acid
Did some rude things to this silver lady.
Pitbull - "Fireball"
Some CGI I did for a Pitbull video.
Porter Robinson "Flicker"
A few weeks ago I was handed a bunch of footage looking out a train window and was asked what I could do with it to which I responded...
Google Impact
This is a spot I worked on for Google helping out with some projected imagery.
Comcast XFINITY- "Watchathon"
A little comercial for Comcast I spent the last 2 months on.
Oscar Mayer- "Wake Up & Smell The Bacon"
I love bacon and was as lucky enough to be Senior Artist on this commercial.
The Sunderland Experiment @ HP Lovecraft FF
My feature, The Sunderland Experiment will be featured at this year's H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, OR.
The Walking Dead, "A Decade of Dead"
Here is a featurette I worked on for The Walking Dead.
Commercial for Axona
A commercial for brain juice. Senior Artist and Lead using C4D and After Effects.